Genesee Regional Bank is proud to be co-sponsoring a team of 27 GRB employees for the Rochester Corporate Challenge with WCI Realty, Inc. The Corporate Challenge began in 1977 as a way for companies to celebrate teamwork, camaraderie and community all while running a 3.5 mile race. It has grown into an annual event held in thirteen cities in seven different countries. The Rochester race was added in 1991 and has grown from 76 local companies to 329. This year the event will be held at Frontier Field on Tuesday, July 11th. All proceeds from this event will go towards the Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection (HWSC) and the Catholic Family Center (CFC) Adult Mentoring Program. Both the HWSC and the CFC are priority projects of the One Community Plan which works to alleviate poverty by supporting the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative. Please visit https://www.jpmorganchasecc.com/city/rochester for more information. We’ll see you at the finish line!