We are pleased to share that GRB Community Relationship Manager Chris Kiley was recently a guest on the “Business Voice” radio show on WYSL and hosted by the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Kiley discussed GRB’s focus on serving the Greater Rochester community and the bank’s commitment to supporting and developing small businesses in the region.
In speaking with Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Sarah Lentini, Kiley emphasized the differences in working with GRB over larger banks.
“We’re 100 percent local, so our decision makers are in Rochester,” said Kiley. “Our board of directors are local all businessmen so they can look at a business opportunity a little bit different than just as a banker – they can see the big picture. We can be a little bit more flexible in our lending and how we structure a deal.”
If you missed the program, you can still catch the podcast on the Chamber’s YouTube podcast link. Chris’ interview begins at the 50-minute mark.
To contact Chris in our Greece branch, go to our Personal Banking page.